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Major Awards - The National Koi Show 2022

Well, the results are in...

Here are the Major Awards for the 2022 BKKS National Koi Show.

Congratulations to all that took part, exhibitors brought their 'A-Game'

- the quality of the koi on display was seriously good!

There's a full write-up and more awards to follow but for now...


*Dealer and Breeder info to be added as it comes through to me

Taniguchi Sanke - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Grand Champion

Owner: Lee Manning

Sanke // 90cm // Taniguchi // Nippon Nishikigoi

Sanke - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Supreme Champion

Owner: Lee Manning

Sanke // 83cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Nippon Nishikigoi

Dainichi Kohaku - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Mature Champion

Owner: Luke Warren

Kohaku // 75cm // Dainichi // Select Nishikigoi

Matsue Sanke - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Adult Champion & Everyman Award

Owner: Stephen & Anthony Grey

Sanke // 64cm // Sakai Co. // Yume Koi Japan

Kohaku - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Young Champion

Owner: Tyler Apperley

Kohaku // 54cm // Sakuma // Shirley Aquatics

Omosako - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Baby Champion

Owner: David Baber

Kujaku // 25cm // Omosako // Walcot Koi

Omosako - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Best Non Go Sanke

Owner: Carl Morrison

Shiro Utsuri // 71cm // Omosako // Yume Koi Japan

Matsue - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Jumbo Champion

Owner: Carmen & Ian Jenkins

Mukashi Ogon // 93cm // Matsue // Yume Koi Japan

Kohaku Matsue - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Best Tategoi - The Peter Waddington Award

Owner: Paul Williams

Kohaku // 63cm // Matsue // Yume Koi Japan

Hi Utsuri - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

The Ralph Pegden Award - Best Hi Utsuri

Owner: Kyle Jones

Hi Utsuri // 75cm // Masaki // Quality Nishikigoi

Showa Hiroi - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Best Doitsu

Owner: Alan Reeves

Doitsu Showa // 55cm // Hiroi // Exclusively Koi

Showa Dainichi - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Future Potential Award

Owner: Kyle Jones

Showa // 57cm // Dainichi // Quality Nishikigoi

Shinkokai Award

Chosen by U.K. Shinkokai members; Mike Hughes, Simon Austin, Darren Gray, Dave Tilbury & Chris Giles, the koi was awarded regardless of size or class, solely based on quality - a koi that could compete at Japanese Koi Shows...

 Sanke - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi


Owner: Stephen & Anthony Grey

Sanke // 64cm // Sakai Co. // Yume Koi Japan

Shinkokai Award - Honourable Mention (in no particular order)

Momotaro Sanke - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Owner: Steve Watson

Sanke // 64cm // Momotaro // Queni Koi

Kondo Kohaku - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Owner: David Baber

Gin Rin Kohaku // 33cm // Kondo // Walcot Koi

Sakai Sanke - Koi Blog - Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi

Owner: Lee Manning

Sanke // 83cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Nippon Nishikigoi

Best Newcomer

Tyler Apperley

Best Exhibitor

Lee Manning

Best Vat

David Baber (Vat 35)

World of Nishikigoi now produces a new koi magazine for the koi hobbyist. More info here:

If you would like to find out more regarding the BKKS or its National Koi Show:

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