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Major Awards - The National Koi Show 2024

National Koi Show 2024 - champion koi

"So it begins..."

King Theoden may have said it in LOTR: The Two Towers, but I'm nicking it for the start of the UK show season. Instead of waves of angry uruk hai looking to storm Helms Deep and end the world of men, there were droves of eager attendees storming The National showground looking for a bargain - I don't know what's more dangerous! 

Why the Lord of the Rings reference? Not a clue - it's been a long weekend! 

The National had a lot to live up to after the roaring success of last year, but Matthew Stevens, the new Show Chairman, was eager to keep things moving forward and improving. The show had grown again, with more dealers in attendance and more koi on show. Such growth is testing as it stretches resources and unavoidably dances with the devil. How so? Well, all the work and growth in the world counts for nothing if attendee numbers are low. It can destroy the show weekend and its future because the knock-on effects can be tricky to recover from.

Luckily, the weather stayed fair, and turnout was very healthy, with approximately 3000 attendees making it through the gates. From those I spoke to, spirits were high, and people seemed to enjoy themselves and the koi! Dealers pulled out all the stops to ensure plenty of bargains, and the variety of stalls in attendance this year was particularly good. 

Some 397 koi were exhibited by hobbyists all over the country, and Rob Whittell informs me this is a record in recent years. Thank you to every exhibitor who made the effort to transport and showcase their cherished koi, you're all ace! 

Without further ado, let's introduce...

The Major Awards for the 2024 BKKS National Koi Show.

More awards to follow but for now... Enjoy!

*Dealer and Breeder info to be added as it comes through to me

SFF Kohaku - Koi Magazine - Grand Champion

Grand Champion

Owner: Carmen & Ian Jenkins

Kohaku // 88cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Yume Koi Japan

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Reserve Grand Champion

Reserve Grand Champion

(+ FD Friendship Award)

Owner: Carl Morrison

Sanke // 80cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Queni Koi

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Mature Champion

Mature Champion 

Owner: Luke Warren

Kohaku // 82cm // Dainichi // Select Nishikigoi

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Adult Champion

Adult Champion

Owner: Lee Hadfield

Kohaku // 62cm // Hoshikin // Exclusively Koi

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Young Champion

Young Champion

Owner: Stephen & Anthony Grey

Kohaku // 53cm // Matsue // Yume Koi Japan

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Baby Champion

Baby Champion

Owner: Karen Tovey

Sanke // 35cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Absolute Koi

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Best Non Gosanke

Best Non-Go-Sanke

Owner: Carmen & Ian Jenkins

Shiro Utsuri // 84cm // Omosako // Yume Koi Japan

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Jumbo Champion

Jumbo Champion

Owner: Carmen & Ian Jenkins

Mukashi Ogon // 98cm // Matsue // Yume Koi Japan

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine -

Best Doitsu

Owner: Vincent Goodall

Hikari Muji // Size 1 // New Forest Koi

'Special' Awards for the 2023 BKKS National Koi Show.

Shinkokai Award

"Awarded on quality alone, regardless of size or variety, the chosen koi will represent what is believed to be competitive at a Japanese level. Awarded by UK Shinkokai members; Mike Hughes (Shosha Koi), Darren Gray (Absolute Koi), Dave Tilbury (Coastal Koi), Steve Field (Avenue Fisheries), Chris Giles (Selective Koi Sales) & Tony Pitham (Koi Water Barn)."

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Shinkokai


Owner: Carmen & Ian Jenkins

Kohaku // 88cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Yume Koi Japan

Shinkokai Award - Honourable Mention (in no particular order)

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Shinkokai

Owner: Carl Morrison

Sanke // 80cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Queni Koi

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Shinkokai

Owner: Carmen & Ian Jenkins

Mukashi Ogon // 98cm // Matsue // Yume Koi Japan

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Shinkokai

Owner: Luke Warren

Kohaku // 60cm // Gonjiro // Select Nishikigoi

The National Koi Show 2024 - Koi Magazine - Shinkokai

Owner: Dave Newton

Goshiki // Size 5 // Okawa // Dock Koi

Sanke - World of Nishikigoi - Koi Blog

Owner: Karen Tovey

Sanke // 35cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Absolute Koi

Kohaku - Koi Show

Show Chairman’s Miyabi Award

Owner: Stephen & Anthony Grey

Kohaku // 69cm // Sakai Co. // Yume Koi Japan

Sanke - World of Nishikigoi - Koi Blog

Society Chairman’s Sakura Award

Owner: Carl Morrison

Goshiki // Size 6 // Taniguchi // A4 Koi

Sanke - World of Nishikigoi - Koi Blog

The Everyman Trophy

Owner: Matthew Savage

Sanke // 36cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Koi Water Barn

Goshiki - World of Nishikigoi - Koi Blog

Best Newcomer Award

Geoff Winn

Sanke - World of Nishikigoi - Koi Blog

Best Overall Exhibitor

Carmen & Ian Jenkins

Koi Blog

Yorkshire Friendship Award

Owner: Josh Howell-Forke

Showa // size 2

asagi - koi magazine

K.O.I Friendship Award

Owner: Kierian Bird

Asagi //Size 3 // Queni Koi

Kiyomizu Friendship Award

Owner: Lee Hadfield

Sanke // Size 5 // NND // Exclusively Koi

*Please note: this is a picture taken last year as I was unable to capture it.

Don't Forget

- We also produce the UK's Printed Koi Magazine

If you would like to find out more regarding the BKKS or its National Koi Show:


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