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The Belgian ZNA Koi Show '23

Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi - koi blog

The Belgian Koi Society and Koi2000 kindly invited me overseas to capture the new-look Belgian ZNA Koi Show, and what a weekend it was. It was a huge show of 90 vats (yes, you heard that right), with 581 koi exhibited. The standard was high, the competition stiff, and my camera was smoking like a gun by the end of the weekend!

Here's a little video after my day exploring the Showground on Friday (benching day):

This show must have been a massive undertaking for the volunteer workforce and organisers, so hats off to them for pulling out all the stops and working tirelessly to make this show happen. These folks are unsung heroes and are all too easily forgotten in the celebration after the show closes. It seems wherever you go there are dedicated koi fanatics keen to give up their time to benefit the hobby. Respect. Also, one must acknowledge the efforts made by all the judges that travelled from many corners of the globe to make the show. They were out in force and it was fantastic to see.

There will be more koi from the show featured on my social feeds, plus an in-depth article with interviews from hobbyists and judges covering the weekend in the next volume of the magazine, but for now, some koi. Enjoy...


The Major Awards for The Belgian ZNA Koi Show - 2023

*Dealer and Breeder info to be added as it comes through to me

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Grand Champion A

Owner: Filip Poppe & Els De Decker

Kohaku // 82cm // Sakai Fish Farm

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Grand Champion B

Owner: Patrick Makkes

Yamabuki Ogon // 96.5cm // Izumiya // Nishikigoi Broker Amsterdam

Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi - Koi blog

Supreme Champion A

Owner: Hilde & Michel Raedemaeker

Gin Rin Showa // 85cm // Shinoda // Narita Koi Fram

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Supreme Champion B

Handled by: Carpe Diem

Owner: Geert Schrijvers

Asagi // 88cm // Oyama

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Mature Champion

Handled by: Kim's Koi

Owner: KOI - Lagos de Jardim

Shiro Utsuri // 82cm // Dainichi

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Adult Champion

Owner: Filip Poppe & Els De Decker

Sanke // 69cm // Sakai Fish Farm

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Young Champion

Owner: Kenneth Spissens

Gin Rin Kohaku // 49cm // Torazo // Kim's Koi

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Baby Champion

Owner: Niwa Koi

Gin Rin Showa // 28cm // Shinoda

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Tategoi Award

Owner: Dennis Smits

Showa // 67cm // Dainichi // The Koi Page

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Most Unique

Owner: Patrick van Haesbroeck

Handlers/Owners: Koisuc6, DBG koi, & Arts&Ants

Gin Rin Kin Ki Showa // 27cm // Choguro

Koi Magazine - World of Nishikigoi - Koi blog

Jumbo Champion A

Owner: Pascal Vandercammen

Sanke // 83cm // Sakai Fish Farm // Filip's Koi en Vijvershop

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Jumbo Champion B

Owner: Niwa Koi

Yamabuki Ogon // 90cm // Izumiya

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BKKS Friendship Award

Owner: Patrick Makkes

Yamabuki Ogon // 96.5cm // Izumiya // Nishikigoi Broker Amsterdam

*there were several 'Friendship Awards' that I was unfortunately unable to photograph, due to the timing of the judging and other aspects of the event that needed shooting.

World of Nishikigoi produces a twice-yearly koi magazine of 132 pages. Purchase yours here:

koi magazine


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